Bovine Cesarean Sections (C-Sections)
Calving season is in full-swing in our area. The majority of the time, cows are well-prepared to handle births on their own, but sometimes they need a little help depending on the size and position of the calf being birthed. Here are some pictures (coming soon) of bovine c-sections performed at our clinic.
Heartworm Prevention
What are Heartworms?
By Dr. Angela Steinley, Beach Veterinary Clinic
Heartworms are parasites (Dirofilaria immitis) that live in the heart and the blood vessels of the lungs in dogs. Their life cycle is long and complex. Adult heartworms live in the heart and blood vessels of dogs and produce “babies” called microfilaria. These “baby” heartworms are carried through the blood stream. They can live in the dog for up to 2 years. When mosquitoes bite dogs not only do they drink the dog’s blood, but the baby heartworms as well. Once inside the mosquito the baby heartworms further develop into what are called third stage larvae (L3). This development takes approximately two weeks. Once they are at the L3 stage they can infect other dogs. When the mosquito next bites a dog the L3 larvae infect the dog. The L3 larvae then spend the next 90-120 days traveling throughout the dog’s body and further maturing. They finally take up residence in the dog’s blood vessels of the lungs and the heart and become adult heartworms, producing babies of their own. The adult heartworms can live up to seven years. The average number of adult heartworms in infected dogs is 15, but can be many more in severe infections.
The real damage from heartworms comes from their living in the blood vessels and the heart. When they first reach the heart and lungs they are approximately 1-1.5 inches long. Female heartworms can grow to become 10.6 inches long. Male heartworms can grow to 6.7 inches long. The worms cause inflammation and plug up the blood vessels. They also increase the chance of the dog developing a clot that can block vessels of the lungs or other areas of the body. Exercise increases the amount of damage that the worms cause. This is why it is recommended that heartworm positive dogs be kept very quiet and not allowed to run around. The amount of exercise a dog does is more important than the number of worms present. The heartworms can also cause liver and kidney failure.
Dogs are the main host for heartworms, but cats, ferrets, and other wildlife can become infected. Cats are more resistant to heartworm infection than dogs. They generally do not become infected with as many heartworms as dogs. However, there is no heartworm treatment for cats (the treatment used for dogs will kill cats.)
All dogs should be tested for heartworms before being started on a preventative. This is because if they are positive there could be severe reactions to the preventative. A simple blood test can be used to tell if your dog has heartworms. It detects the female heartworm. Since most dogs have both male and female worms the test is very accurate. Cats can sometimes have infections of just one or two worms, so they may not test positive even if they have worms. It takes nearly six months for the heartworm larvae to mature into adults once they are in the dog. So if your dog is less than six months old it does not need to be tested before being started on heartworm preventative. Heartworm positive dogs will almost always die without treatment.
Pets should be started on heartworm prevention as soon as it is warm enough for mosquitoes to be out. They should stay on the preventative for one month past when mosquitoes are out (in southern climates this is year round). Heartworm preventatives work by killing “baby” heartworms (microfilaria, L3, and the younger stages of L4 larvae). Hence they work by killing the heartworms the dog may have been exposed to in the last month; this is why you need to use the preventative for one month past when mosquitoes are out. As an alternative you can keep your pet on heartworm prevention year round. Some people find this easier because you do the same thing each month and do not have to worry about stopping and starting. The preventative products are very safe and can easily be used year round. Another benefit to most of the heartworm preventatives is that they also kill most intestinal parasites (hookworms, roundworms, ect.) as well. If you live in a northern climate, but take your dog vacationing in the south during the winter they should be on preventative year round.
Heartworm prevention is easy and relatively inexpensive ($3-6 per month depending on the size of your dog and product used). Heartworm prevention comes in three basic forms, pills, topical products (you put on the skin), or a shot. The most common form used is a once a month pill. Several brands are available; Tri-Heart Plus, Heartgard Plus, Interceptor, and Sentinel are several examples. There are also several products that can be applied topically such as Revolution and Advantage Multi. These are applied by parting the dog’s hair and applying directly to the skin. Many of the topical products also treat fleas. One product, Pro-Heart 6, is a shot that will provide heartworm prevention for six months. One thing to keep in mind if you do the shot is that the heartworm season may be longer than six months so your dog may need more than one shot to be fully covered. The shot was taken off the market for a while, so it may not be easy for your veterinarian to get.
Yearly Re-Testing
It is recommended that you have your pet re-tested every year for heartworms. This is because if they are heartworm positive the preventatives can cause a bad reaction. Even if your pet has been on preventative year round it is recommended to re-test each year because if doses are not given on time every time it is possible for your dog to become infected. Also many companies have policies in place that if your dog gets heartworms while on their product they will pay for treatment, but only if you have a negative test before starting on the preventative.
Heartworm Treatment for Positive Dogs
Heartworm treatment is very expensive, dangerous, and can take many months. Dogs with heartworms will almost always die without treatment and can die during treatment. There is no treatment for heartworms in cats. Visit with the Veterinarians at Beach Veterinary Clinic for more specifics on a treatment regimen.
By Dr. Angela Steinley, Beach Veterinary Clinic
Heartworms are parasites (Dirofilaria immitis) that live in the heart and the blood vessels of the lungs in dogs. Their life cycle is long and complex. Adult heartworms live in the heart and blood vessels of dogs and produce “babies” called microfilaria. These “baby” heartworms are carried through the blood stream. They can live in the dog for up to 2 years. When mosquitoes bite dogs not only do they drink the dog’s blood, but the baby heartworms as well. Once inside the mosquito the baby heartworms further develop into what are called third stage larvae (L3). This development takes approximately two weeks. Once they are at the L3 stage they can infect other dogs. When the mosquito next bites a dog the L3 larvae infect the dog. The L3 larvae then spend the next 90-120 days traveling throughout the dog’s body and further maturing. They finally take up residence in the dog’s blood vessels of the lungs and the heart and become adult heartworms, producing babies of their own. The adult heartworms can live up to seven years. The average number of adult heartworms in infected dogs is 15, but can be many more in severe infections.
The real damage from heartworms comes from their living in the blood vessels and the heart. When they first reach the heart and lungs they are approximately 1-1.5 inches long. Female heartworms can grow to become 10.6 inches long. Male heartworms can grow to 6.7 inches long. The worms cause inflammation and plug up the blood vessels. They also increase the chance of the dog developing a clot that can block vessels of the lungs or other areas of the body. Exercise increases the amount of damage that the worms cause. This is why it is recommended that heartworm positive dogs be kept very quiet and not allowed to run around. The amount of exercise a dog does is more important than the number of worms present. The heartworms can also cause liver and kidney failure.
Dogs are the main host for heartworms, but cats, ferrets, and other wildlife can become infected. Cats are more resistant to heartworm infection than dogs. They generally do not become infected with as many heartworms as dogs. However, there is no heartworm treatment for cats (the treatment used for dogs will kill cats.)
All dogs should be tested for heartworms before being started on a preventative. This is because if they are positive there could be severe reactions to the preventative. A simple blood test can be used to tell if your dog has heartworms. It detects the female heartworm. Since most dogs have both male and female worms the test is very accurate. Cats can sometimes have infections of just one or two worms, so they may not test positive even if they have worms. It takes nearly six months for the heartworm larvae to mature into adults once they are in the dog. So if your dog is less than six months old it does not need to be tested before being started on heartworm preventative. Heartworm positive dogs will almost always die without treatment.
Pets should be started on heartworm prevention as soon as it is warm enough for mosquitoes to be out. They should stay on the preventative for one month past when mosquitoes are out (in southern climates this is year round). Heartworm preventatives work by killing “baby” heartworms (microfilaria, L3, and the younger stages of L4 larvae). Hence they work by killing the heartworms the dog may have been exposed to in the last month; this is why you need to use the preventative for one month past when mosquitoes are out. As an alternative you can keep your pet on heartworm prevention year round. Some people find this easier because you do the same thing each month and do not have to worry about stopping and starting. The preventative products are very safe and can easily be used year round. Another benefit to most of the heartworm preventatives is that they also kill most intestinal parasites (hookworms, roundworms, ect.) as well. If you live in a northern climate, but take your dog vacationing in the south during the winter they should be on preventative year round.
Heartworm prevention is easy and relatively inexpensive ($3-6 per month depending on the size of your dog and product used). Heartworm prevention comes in three basic forms, pills, topical products (you put on the skin), or a shot. The most common form used is a once a month pill. Several brands are available; Tri-Heart Plus, Heartgard Plus, Interceptor, and Sentinel are several examples. There are also several products that can be applied topically such as Revolution and Advantage Multi. These are applied by parting the dog’s hair and applying directly to the skin. Many of the topical products also treat fleas. One product, Pro-Heart 6, is a shot that will provide heartworm prevention for six months. One thing to keep in mind if you do the shot is that the heartworm season may be longer than six months so your dog may need more than one shot to be fully covered. The shot was taken off the market for a while, so it may not be easy for your veterinarian to get.
Yearly Re-Testing
It is recommended that you have your pet re-tested every year for heartworms. This is because if they are heartworm positive the preventatives can cause a bad reaction. Even if your pet has been on preventative year round it is recommended to re-test each year because if doses are not given on time every time it is possible for your dog to become infected. Also many companies have policies in place that if your dog gets heartworms while on their product they will pay for treatment, but only if you have a negative test before starting on the preventative.
Heartworm Treatment for Positive Dogs
Heartworm treatment is very expensive, dangerous, and can take many months. Dogs with heartworms will almost always die without treatment and can die during treatment. There is no treatment for heartworms in cats. Visit with the Veterinarians at Beach Veterinary Clinic for more specifics on a treatment regimen.
Why is Your Pet’s Dental Health Important?
By Dr. Angela Steinley, DVM
Your pet’s dirty teeth can affect more than just their mouth. They can have a significant effect on their overall health. When the teeth get dirty plaque and tartar build up on the teeth (dark stuff you see on the teeth) and they are covered in bacteria. The gums are fragile from the infection and bleed, allowing the bacteria to constantly enter the blood stream. Once in your pet’s blood these bacteria can spread all through the body. They particularly cause problems in the heart and kidneys. Bad teeth can be one cause of a chronic cough or a sneezing problem. Teeth that get really infected can become loose, causing your pet pain every time they try to eat.
At home care
Home care can help prevent your pet’s teeth from becoming dirty and diseased. The following are several things you can do to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy:
-Brush their teeth: you can use a regular adult or child tooth brush. DO NOT use human toothpaste. There is too much fluoride in human toothpaste and it can make your pet sick. There are specially made pet tooth pastes you can use, or just use the tooth brush and water. To get your pet used to having their teeth brushed start by slowly introducing the tooth brush to them and just doing a little at a time. Reward them when you are done with a small hard treat.
-Special liquids to place on their teeth: several companies make liquids and gels that can be placed on your pet’s teeth that help prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar.
-Food: Hard food is better for your pet’s teeth because it has some natural cleaning action as they chew. There are several diets made by Science Diet especially for dental care. Science Diet (Hills) Oral Care is an over the counter food you can use to help improve your pet’s teeth. This food is in bigger chunks that help to clean the teeth off as your pet chews. Science Diet (Hills) t/d is a prescription food that is even better at keeping a pet’s teeth clean. Both of these foods work best if fed as the main diet, but can be used as treats to supplement the normal diet.
-Chew treats: Rawhides and other treats designed for chewing (ex: Greenies) can be helpful in keeping your pet’s teeth clean. Be sure to watch your pet when they enjoy these treats and make sure they chew them well and are not swallowing large pieces that could become stuck in their throat or intestinal tract.
The important thing to remember about most of these home care suggestions is that they help to prevent your pet’s teeth from getting worse. Once the hard tartar builds up on the teeth the only real way to get them clean is with a professional cleaning by your veterinarian. The exception to this is if you feed the t/d food as the main diet for your pet. This diet will remove some of the built-up tartar over time, but not all of it.
Why should you have your pet’s teeth cleaned by your veterinarian?
As mentioned above this is the only way to get off the tartar you see built up on your pet’s teeth. Cleaning your pet’s teeth can help stop the constant shedding of bacteria into their system. This helps prevent other infections throughout the body. Pain- infected teeth that are covered in bacteria can be loose and hurt. Remember when you were a kid and had a loose tooth? Now imagine that the tooth is not only loose but infected as well. Dogs and cats are very good at hiding mouth pain and many times will continue to eat even with several teeth that are rotting and loose in their mouth. The best time to have a dental done is before your pet’s teeth get really bad. By cleaning them early you can save many of the teeth that would otherwise become so diseased they would have to be pulled. Once the teeth and gums get so damaged, they can not be repaired.
What is done during a “Dental”
If your pet’s teeth are very dirty your vet may place your pet on antibiotics before the dental to try and lower the number of bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth before the dental is performed. Anesthesia is needed to perform a dental on your pet. The reasons for this include the following:
-Dogs and cats do not understand what we are doing and will not sit still for us to do a good cleaning on their teeth if they are awake. One of the most important steps in cleaning the teeth is cleaning below the gum line. It is almost impossible to reach these areas on an awake dog.
-Many times pets will have infected teeth and it would be painful for them to be worked on while awake.
-When an animal is put completely under anesthesia an endotracheal tube is placed in their trachea. This protects their lower airways from the bacteria and water that will be in the mouth during the dental cleaning. An animal that is awake or only sedated could easily breath in some of that water and bacteria and get pneumonia.
Before the cleaning is started a solution is applied to the teeth to help kill some of the bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth to prevent further shedding during the cleaning. Scaling is the first step to cleaning the teeth. An ultrasonic scaler is used to vibrate the plaque and tartar off the teeth and also to clean below the gum line. Once the teeth are cleaned off they are polished with a special tooth paste like substance and an attachment to the dental machine. After the teeth have been cleaned and polished a veterinarian will inspect the mouth for teeth that are infected or loose and need to be pulled. If teeth need to be pulled, pain management is recommended. A combination of injectable pain medications and local "blocks" will be used to help prevent your pet from feeling pain. X-rays can be very helpful for determining what teeth are diseased and need to be pulled.
Possible complications from a Dental
Complications are more common if your pet has very bad teeth. If you have their teeth cleaned early before they get really bad there are very few complications associated with a dental procedure.
- Anesthesia: There is always a risk when an animal is under anesthesia. Young animals tend to be at less risk than older ones.
-Running blood work (pre-anesthesia chemistry panel) is one way you can help prevent some of the risk. This blood work can help your vet know more about your pet’s liver, kidneys, and hydration status and change the anesthesia protocol if needed.
-It is also a good idea to have a full exam on your pet before anesthesia. This will help to identify problems such as heart murmurs or infections.
-Broken tooth roots: if a root breaks off a tooth during an extraction and can not be fully removed it could cause an abscess in the future. This is why we try to remove all teeth fully and completely.
-Fractured jaw: if your pet has such severe dental disease that has started to infect the underlying bone, there is the possibility that the jaw could break while damaged teeth are being removed. This is usually only a problem in pets with extremely bad teeth, and the risk can be significantly reduced by having a pet’s teeth cleaned when they are young before they get bad.
How often should your pet have a “Dental”
How often your pet needs to have their teeth professionally cleaned will vary a lot depending on the dog. It is recommended that you have your pet’s teeth looked at least once a year by your veterinarian to see if they need to be done. Small breed dogs tend to need their teeth cleaned more frequently than large breed dogs, and some of the small dogs may need to be done every six months. The younger they are when they start to have their teeth cleaned the less frequently they will need them cleaned when they get older (because you prevent a lot of the problems before they start). Also, the earlier you start having their teeth cleaned the less likely it is that teeth will have to be pulled.
Breeds more likely to have bad teeth and need dentals more frequently include: yorkies, dachshunds, chihuahuas, toy poodles, shih tzus, and pomeranians. Some of these dogs may need a dental as early as 1-2 years old. Other signs that your pet may need their teeth cleaned:
-Bad smelling breath
-Drooling excessively
-Pawing at their mouth
-Not wanting to eat hard food
-Tartar build up on the teeth (the brown stuff on the teeth)
-Blood on chew toys
By Dr. Angela Steinley, DVM
Your pet’s dirty teeth can affect more than just their mouth. They can have a significant effect on their overall health. When the teeth get dirty plaque and tartar build up on the teeth (dark stuff you see on the teeth) and they are covered in bacteria. The gums are fragile from the infection and bleed, allowing the bacteria to constantly enter the blood stream. Once in your pet’s blood these bacteria can spread all through the body. They particularly cause problems in the heart and kidneys. Bad teeth can be one cause of a chronic cough or a sneezing problem. Teeth that get really infected can become loose, causing your pet pain every time they try to eat.
At home care
Home care can help prevent your pet’s teeth from becoming dirty and diseased. The following are several things you can do to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy:
-Brush their teeth: you can use a regular adult or child tooth brush. DO NOT use human toothpaste. There is too much fluoride in human toothpaste and it can make your pet sick. There are specially made pet tooth pastes you can use, or just use the tooth brush and water. To get your pet used to having their teeth brushed start by slowly introducing the tooth brush to them and just doing a little at a time. Reward them when you are done with a small hard treat.
-Special liquids to place on their teeth: several companies make liquids and gels that can be placed on your pet’s teeth that help prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar.
-Food: Hard food is better for your pet’s teeth because it has some natural cleaning action as they chew. There are several diets made by Science Diet especially for dental care. Science Diet (Hills) Oral Care is an over the counter food you can use to help improve your pet’s teeth. This food is in bigger chunks that help to clean the teeth off as your pet chews. Science Diet (Hills) t/d is a prescription food that is even better at keeping a pet’s teeth clean. Both of these foods work best if fed as the main diet, but can be used as treats to supplement the normal diet.
-Chew treats: Rawhides and other treats designed for chewing (ex: Greenies) can be helpful in keeping your pet’s teeth clean. Be sure to watch your pet when they enjoy these treats and make sure they chew them well and are not swallowing large pieces that could become stuck in their throat or intestinal tract.
The important thing to remember about most of these home care suggestions is that they help to prevent your pet’s teeth from getting worse. Once the hard tartar builds up on the teeth the only real way to get them clean is with a professional cleaning by your veterinarian. The exception to this is if you feed the t/d food as the main diet for your pet. This diet will remove some of the built-up tartar over time, but not all of it.
Why should you have your pet’s teeth cleaned by your veterinarian?
As mentioned above this is the only way to get off the tartar you see built up on your pet’s teeth. Cleaning your pet’s teeth can help stop the constant shedding of bacteria into their system. This helps prevent other infections throughout the body. Pain- infected teeth that are covered in bacteria can be loose and hurt. Remember when you were a kid and had a loose tooth? Now imagine that the tooth is not only loose but infected as well. Dogs and cats are very good at hiding mouth pain and many times will continue to eat even with several teeth that are rotting and loose in their mouth. The best time to have a dental done is before your pet’s teeth get really bad. By cleaning them early you can save many of the teeth that would otherwise become so diseased they would have to be pulled. Once the teeth and gums get so damaged, they can not be repaired.
What is done during a “Dental”
If your pet’s teeth are very dirty your vet may place your pet on antibiotics before the dental to try and lower the number of bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth before the dental is performed. Anesthesia is needed to perform a dental on your pet. The reasons for this include the following:
-Dogs and cats do not understand what we are doing and will not sit still for us to do a good cleaning on their teeth if they are awake. One of the most important steps in cleaning the teeth is cleaning below the gum line. It is almost impossible to reach these areas on an awake dog.
-Many times pets will have infected teeth and it would be painful for them to be worked on while awake.
-When an animal is put completely under anesthesia an endotracheal tube is placed in their trachea. This protects their lower airways from the bacteria and water that will be in the mouth during the dental cleaning. An animal that is awake or only sedated could easily breath in some of that water and bacteria and get pneumonia.
Before the cleaning is started a solution is applied to the teeth to help kill some of the bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth to prevent further shedding during the cleaning. Scaling is the first step to cleaning the teeth. An ultrasonic scaler is used to vibrate the plaque and tartar off the teeth and also to clean below the gum line. Once the teeth are cleaned off they are polished with a special tooth paste like substance and an attachment to the dental machine. After the teeth have been cleaned and polished a veterinarian will inspect the mouth for teeth that are infected or loose and need to be pulled. If teeth need to be pulled, pain management is recommended. A combination of injectable pain medications and local "blocks" will be used to help prevent your pet from feeling pain. X-rays can be very helpful for determining what teeth are diseased and need to be pulled.
Possible complications from a Dental
Complications are more common if your pet has very bad teeth. If you have their teeth cleaned early before they get really bad there are very few complications associated with a dental procedure.
- Anesthesia: There is always a risk when an animal is under anesthesia. Young animals tend to be at less risk than older ones.
-Running blood work (pre-anesthesia chemistry panel) is one way you can help prevent some of the risk. This blood work can help your vet know more about your pet’s liver, kidneys, and hydration status and change the anesthesia protocol if needed.
-It is also a good idea to have a full exam on your pet before anesthesia. This will help to identify problems such as heart murmurs or infections.
-Broken tooth roots: if a root breaks off a tooth during an extraction and can not be fully removed it could cause an abscess in the future. This is why we try to remove all teeth fully and completely.
-Fractured jaw: if your pet has such severe dental disease that has started to infect the underlying bone, there is the possibility that the jaw could break while damaged teeth are being removed. This is usually only a problem in pets with extremely bad teeth, and the risk can be significantly reduced by having a pet’s teeth cleaned when they are young before they get bad.
How often should your pet have a “Dental”
How often your pet needs to have their teeth professionally cleaned will vary a lot depending on the dog. It is recommended that you have your pet’s teeth looked at least once a year by your veterinarian to see if they need to be done. Small breed dogs tend to need their teeth cleaned more frequently than large breed dogs, and some of the small dogs may need to be done every six months. The younger they are when they start to have their teeth cleaned the less frequently they will need them cleaned when they get older (because you prevent a lot of the problems before they start). Also, the earlier you start having their teeth cleaned the less likely it is that teeth will have to be pulled.
Breeds more likely to have bad teeth and need dentals more frequently include: yorkies, dachshunds, chihuahuas, toy poodles, shih tzus, and pomeranians. Some of these dogs may need a dental as early as 1-2 years old. Other signs that your pet may need their teeth cleaned:
-Bad smelling breath
-Drooling excessively
-Pawing at their mouth
-Not wanting to eat hard food
-Tartar build up on the teeth (the brown stuff on the teeth)
-Blood on chew toys
Vaccinations, Part 1
VaccinationsEquine Vaccinations
Spring is an excellent time to vaccinate horses against a number of core diseases. The Beach Veterinary Clinic carries PRESTIGE®V + WNV with HAVLOGEN, an excellent OTC vaccine combination that helps protect against EEE, WEE, Tetanus, EIV, EHV-1&4, and WNV. This vaccination combo can be administered to horses at least 6 months of age. The single dose is given IM and then repeated in 3 to 4 months.
Tetanus Toxoid
While included in the PRESTIGE®V + WNV WITH HAVLOGEN combination, the tetanus toxoid vaccine is also available separately. This is used especially when penetrating injuries or surgery occurs if previous inoculation was more than 6 months prior.
While humans can go many years between tetanus shots, horses should be vaccinated annually against the disease. The spore-forming bacterium, Clostridium tetani, which causes tetanus can be found in horse manure, so horses are unable to avoid it. Rabies attacks the horse's central nervous system and is always fatal. Annual vaccination is recommended.
If a horse contracts tetanus, the bacteria attack nerves controlling muscles and most cases ultimately result in death. Tetanus vaccinations are readily available, and the disease can be prevented. While many vaccinations for horses are available OTC, rabies vaccinations must be administered by a veterinarian as the disease is a public health issue.
Parasite Control
The Beach Veterinary Clinic carries a number of oral pastes that can be used to control parasites in horses:
Vetrimec™ Paste by VETONE: This oral paste aids in the control of large and small strongyles, pinworms, roundworms, hairworms, neck threadworms, large-mouth stomach worms, and bots. Contents of one syringe will treat up to 1250 lb.
Exodus® Paste by Bimeda: This apple-flavored oral paste helps protect against large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms, and large roundworms. Full syringe will treat up to 1200 lb.
ZIMECTERIN® Gold by Merial: This oral paste helps to control Tapeworms, small strongyles, large strongyles, bots in both oral and gastric stages, roundworms, pinworms, summer sores, lungworms, hairworms, large-mouth stomach worms, neck threadworms, and intestinal threadworms. Full syringe will treat up to 1250 lb.
PANACUR® by Merck: This apple-cinnamon flavored oral dewormer is safe for use in even pregnant mares and very young foals. It is effective against large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms and ascarids.
If you have any questions or concerns about vaccinations or parasite control, please contact the Veterinarians at Beach Veterinary Clinic.
Spring is an excellent time to vaccinate horses against a number of core diseases. The Beach Veterinary Clinic carries PRESTIGE®V + WNV with HAVLOGEN, an excellent OTC vaccine combination that helps protect against EEE, WEE, Tetanus, EIV, EHV-1&4, and WNV. This vaccination combo can be administered to horses at least 6 months of age. The single dose is given IM and then repeated in 3 to 4 months.
Tetanus Toxoid
While included in the PRESTIGE®V + WNV WITH HAVLOGEN combination, the tetanus toxoid vaccine is also available separately. This is used especially when penetrating injuries or surgery occurs if previous inoculation was more than 6 months prior.
While humans can go many years between tetanus shots, horses should be vaccinated annually against the disease. The spore-forming bacterium, Clostridium tetani, which causes tetanus can be found in horse manure, so horses are unable to avoid it. Rabies attacks the horse's central nervous system and is always fatal. Annual vaccination is recommended.
If a horse contracts tetanus, the bacteria attack nerves controlling muscles and most cases ultimately result in death. Tetanus vaccinations are readily available, and the disease can be prevented. While many vaccinations for horses are available OTC, rabies vaccinations must be administered by a veterinarian as the disease is a public health issue.
Parasite Control
The Beach Veterinary Clinic carries a number of oral pastes that can be used to control parasites in horses:
Vetrimec™ Paste by VETONE: This oral paste aids in the control of large and small strongyles, pinworms, roundworms, hairworms, neck threadworms, large-mouth stomach worms, and bots. Contents of one syringe will treat up to 1250 lb.
Exodus® Paste by Bimeda: This apple-flavored oral paste helps protect against large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms, and large roundworms. Full syringe will treat up to 1200 lb.
ZIMECTERIN® Gold by Merial: This oral paste helps to control Tapeworms, small strongyles, large strongyles, bots in both oral and gastric stages, roundworms, pinworms, summer sores, lungworms, hairworms, large-mouth stomach worms, neck threadworms, and intestinal threadworms. Full syringe will treat up to 1250 lb.
PANACUR® by Merck: This apple-cinnamon flavored oral dewormer is safe for use in even pregnant mares and very young foals. It is effective against large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms and ascarids.
If you have any questions or concerns about vaccinations or parasite control, please contact the Veterinarians at Beach Veterinary Clinic.
Flea & Tick Prevention
Springtime means many things: warmer temperatures, sprouting plants--and increased flea and tick activity. According to the American Kennel Club, the most active season for fleas and ticks in eastern Montana and western North Dakota is April through November1.
Ticks spread Lyme disease along with a number of other illnesses. Flea bites are not only irritating and painful for your pet, but the parasites can also cause skin allergies and transmit tapeworms. Even indoor pets are at risk of some exposure to fleas and ticks as the parasites will gladly hitch a ride into your home on your shoes and clothing.
Prevention Options
A number of previon options are available. The Beach Veterinary Clinic carries the following:
-Nexgard: Nexgard is a monthly beef-flavored chewable by Merial available for dogs 8 weeks of age or older, weighing 4 pounds or more. The active ingredient afoxolaner kills fleas by over-stimulating their nervous system. It also acts against a number of different tick species, including the Lone Star tick, black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick.
-Seresto: The Seresto collar by Bayer is an easy prevention option for dogs and cats with a single application. The collar provides protection and repels ticks and fleas for 8 months. It also works against sarcoptic mange and chewing lice. The cat and small dog designs have a breakaway feature as well.
-Frontline Plus: Frontline Plus by Merial is a monthly topical application that works by "stor[ing] itself in the oil glands in your pet's skin. It then self-distributes continuously for 1 month to your pet's hair and skin through the hair follicles." Doses are available for both dogs and cats.
If your pet becomes infested with fleas or contracts an illness from a tick bite, treatment is available. Contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice a problem.
Ticks spread Lyme disease along with a number of other illnesses. Flea bites are not only irritating and painful for your pet, but the parasites can also cause skin allergies and transmit tapeworms. Even indoor pets are at risk of some exposure to fleas and ticks as the parasites will gladly hitch a ride into your home on your shoes and clothing.
Prevention Options
A number of previon options are available. The Beach Veterinary Clinic carries the following:
-Nexgard: Nexgard is a monthly beef-flavored chewable by Merial available for dogs 8 weeks of age or older, weighing 4 pounds or more. The active ingredient afoxolaner kills fleas by over-stimulating their nervous system. It also acts against a number of different tick species, including the Lone Star tick, black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick.
-Seresto: The Seresto collar by Bayer is an easy prevention option for dogs and cats with a single application. The collar provides protection and repels ticks and fleas for 8 months. It also works against sarcoptic mange and chewing lice. The cat and small dog designs have a breakaway feature as well.
-Frontline Plus: Frontline Plus by Merial is a monthly topical application that works by "stor[ing] itself in the oil glands in your pet's skin. It then self-distributes continuously for 1 month to your pet's hair and skin through the hair follicles." Doses are available for both dogs and cats.
If your pet becomes infested with fleas or contracts an illness from a tick bite, treatment is available. Contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice a problem.